Monday, March 16, 2020


corona virus

Viral diseases continue to present and emerge as a serious public health issue. In the last 20 years, several viral epidemics such as severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) in 2002 to 2003, H1N1 influenza in 2009, and more recently Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) in 2012 have been recorded.

In the present timeline, the epidemic of cases with unexplained low respiratory infections detected in Wuhan, the largest metropolitan area in China's Hubei province has presented an international public health emergency. The aetiology of this illness is attributed to a novel virus belonging to the coronavirus (CoV) family, COVID-19. With rapid transmission, it has spread throughout the world. Due to highly contagious nature and rapid spread, this viral disease has been declared as a pandemic by ‘World Health Organisation (WHO).

 Present scenario of COVID19: In and Outside China

Data provided by the WHO Health Emergency Dashboard reported 87,137 confirmed cases worldwide since the beginning of the epidemic. About 92% (79,968) of the confirmed cases were recorded in China, where almost all the deaths were also recorded (2,873, 96.5%).
Outside China, there are 7169 confirmed cases in 59 countries including Korea, Italy, Iran, Japan, Singapore, France, US, Germany, Kuwait, Spain, Thailand, Bahrain, Australia, Malaysia, United Kingdom, Canada, Switzerland, Viet Nam, Norway, Iraq, and India.
In India, the cases have been surged and crossed the 100 mark. The positive cases have shot up to 114, as per a report published by Union Health Ministry, India.

This alarming increase in infected cases presents an urgent need for people to be educated and prepared for this outbreak. Below, you'll find answers to several questions related to spread transmission, symptoms, prevention and treatment of COVID-19.
Here is what you need to know:

What is Coronavirus?

Coronavirus is a family of virus that causes illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as severe acute respiratory syndrome and pneumonia. These viruses were originally transmitted from animals to people. SARS, for instance, was transmitted from civet cats to humans while MERS moved to humans from a type of camel. The novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 is a new strain that had not been previously identified in humans.

How does Coronavirus spread?

The novel coronavirus is thought to spread mainly from human to human. It primarily spreads when one person breathes in droplets that are produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes. Also, any infected person, with or without symptoms, could spread the virus by touching a contaminated surface. The coronavirus could remain on that surface and someone else could touch it and then touch their mouth, nose or eyes.

What are the common symptoms?

The symptoms of COVID-19 varies from moderate to severe. It takes 2-14 days after exposure for symptoms to develop. Common symptoms may include:
·         High fever
·         Cough
·         Shortness of breath
These symptoms may become severe in patients with a weakened immune system. In severe conditions, patients may likely to develop pneumonia and bronchitis. In some cases, the condition may worsen leading to multi-organ failure and finally death.

Who is at highest risk for getting sick from COVID-19?

Older people, especially those with underlying medical problems like chronic bronchitis, emphysema, heart failure, or diabetes, are more likely to develop serious illness. In addition, several underlying conditions may also increase the risk of serious COVID-19 for individuals of any age. These conditions include:
·         Blood disorders
·         Chronic respiratory disorders
·         Kidney and lung disease
·         Metabolic disorders such as diabetes
·         Any condition that weakens immune response (cancer, cancer treatment, organ or bone marrow transplant, immunosuppressant medications, HIV or AIDS)
·         Neurological and neurologic and neurodevelopment conditions

What type of treatment is available for the novel coronavirus?

There is currently no vaccine or any specific treatment for COVID-19. However, supportive treatments are helpful, if a person has developed symptoms. There is some research evidence that certain medications can help prevent illness or treat the symptoms of COVID-19. Researchers are performing various clinical trials for finding potential drug-based therapy and vaccines for the treatment of COVID-19. Various drugs under clinical trials are:
·         Remdesivir, a drug used to treat Ebola
·         Chloroquine, a drug used to treat malaria
·         Lopinavir and ritonavir, drugs used to treat HIV infection
·         APN01, a protein for treating respiratory infections
·         Favilavir, an antiviral drug used to treat inflammation of the nose

 How to avoid or prevent COVID-19?

It is a well known saying that An ounce of prevention is better than pounds of cure. Some preventive measures are helpful in avoiding the spread of COVID-19 infection. These actions are as follow:
1.      Avoid close contact with people who are sick
2.      Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth
3.      Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue
4.      Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe
5.      Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
6.      Stay home when you are sick
7.      Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol, covering all surfaces of your hands and rubbing them together until they feel dry.
8.      Wear a N95 mask to protect others and yourself from infection
9.      Avoid travelling if you have a fever and respiratory symptoms
10.  Strictly take the observation period of 14 days, and go to the hospital for diagnosis and treatment if symptoms appear (fever, cough, etc.)

The Bottom-line

Public health emergencies, such as the outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), are stressful times for people and communities. It is important to remember that people diagnosed with COVID-19 are recovering. Awareness about the disease and the adoption of preventive measures can prevent the spread of disease. The healthy people should be aware of the severity of COVID-19 and take measures to protect themselves, such as staying at home, limiting social contacts, and wearing a protective mask in public. Public authorities, health care professionals and government officials should encourage people to stay at home; discourage mass gathering; postpone or cancel public events, and close public institutions. These control measures will help COVID-19 infected countries to prevent the epidemic effectively.

After all, the more we learn, the better we will respond.

coronavirus government advice
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